We suggest that all middle and high schools in Attica include Myrtillo, the "Cafe of the Chosen Souls," in their options for an educational visit!

Our educational program allows older elementary school children and teenagers (Grades 5 and 6 of Elementary School, Gymnasium, and Lyceum) to learn about the concept and contributions of a social enterprise with employees who have disabilities as co-owners, as well as the history of the KAPAPS buildings, which were established for the young victims of World War II.

It includes:

  • Experiential learning through physical participation
  • Group games
  • Collaborative research

Live communication and interviews with our welcoming employees offer a life lesson at this sensitive age, serving as a model of perseverance, inventiveness, and solidarity.

The "Park for Children and Culture" (formerly KAPAPS), where the Myrtillo Café/Event Space and the playground are located, also offers another opportunity for recreation!

Myrtillo can provide students with a healthy snack, upon coordination with the school.

Our rooms can accommodate 25 to 50 students, depending on the current applicable restrictions.


  • Ειρήνη - Διαλεχτή Κουρομιχελάκη
  • Βασίλης Μπαράκος
  • Αναστάσης Μαδαμόπουλος
  • Βασίλης Καλοπίσης
  • Άννα Κεντικελένη
  • Σέργιος Καγιάς
  • Λουκία Τσαγκαρίδου
  • Δρ. Άννα Πίγκου
  • Γεωργία Λεμπέση
  • Γιάννης Ιωαννίδης
  • Κοσμάς Περδικέας
  • Κατερίνα Γκζίμπεκ 


  • Δρ. Μάριος Κουκουνάρας - Λιάγκης
  • Δρ. Στέλιος Πελασγός 


+30 6971 75 94 63