Our educational program allows older elementary school children and teenagers (Grades 5 and 6 of Elementary School, Gymnasium, and Lyceum) to learn about the concept and contributions of a social enterprise with employees who have disabilities as co-owners, as well as the history of the KAPAPS buildings, which were established for the young victims of World War II.
It includes:
- Experiential learning through physical participation
- Group games
- Collaborative research
Live communication and interviews with our welcoming employees offer a life lesson at this sensitive age, serving as a model of perseverance, inventiveness, and solidarity.
The "Park for Children and Culture" (formerly KAPAPS), where the Myrtillo Café/Event Space and the playground are located, also offers another opportunity for recreation!
Myrtillo can provide students with a healthy snack, upon coordination with the school.
Our rooms can accommodate 25 to 50 students, depending on the current applicable restrictions.
- Ειρήνη - Διαλεχτή Κουρομιχελάκη
- Βασίλης Μπαράκος
- Αναστάσης Μαδαμόπουλος
- Βασίλης Καλοπίσης
- Άννα Κεντικελένη
- Σέργιος Καγιάς
- Λουκία Τσαγκαρίδου
- Δρ. Άννα Πίγκου
- Γεωργία Λεμπέση
- Γιάννης Ιωαννίδης
- Κοσμάς Περδικέας
- Κατερίνα Γκζίμπεκ
- Δρ. Μάριος Κουκουνάρας - Λιάγκης
- Δρ. Στέλιος Πελασγός